Diabetes Shouldn’t Be Taken Lightly: 3 Foot Complications You Can Develop With This Disease

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, then you are at risk of developing foot complications. Diabetes is a condition that decreases your body's ability to produce any or enough insulin. This disease also causes elevated blood sugar levels in your blood. You must monitor your feet when diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes patients 20 years or older make up around 60 percent of non-traumatic lower-limb amputations. Here are three foot complications you can develop from this disease. Read More 

Tired Of Pills? Try Natural Solutions For Alleviating Chronic Neck Pain

The urge to pop a pill when your neck pain flares up is tempting, but don't go running to your medicine cabinet just yet. If you are interested in supplemental or alternative relief, explore some of these natural, medication-free options. Exercise: How Movement Can Decrease Your Pain Sounds a bit counter-productive, right? The last thing many people want to do is move and exercise when they are in pain. However, exercise can provide both short-term and long-term relief from chronic neck pain. Read More 

What To Expect From Arthroscopic Surgery On Your Knee

You injured the ligaments in your knee when you slipped and fell, so the orthopedic doctor recommended arthroscopic surgery to repair the torn ligaments. This is a less invasive procedure than traditional knee surgery, but you'll still need several weeks for a full recovery. Here is how the surgery is done and how you can successfully complete a full recovery. Knee Surgery as an Outpatient Traditional knee surgery requires spending time in the hospital. Read More 

Common Causes For Your Low Back Pain

When you are suffering from low back pain, you may wonder if there will ever be any relief to your struggles and your discomfort. Many people in such a situation focus on a quick solution, not thinking about long-term solutions. Of course, in order to find a long-term solution to lower back pain, you need to first determine the cause of that pain. There are many health issues and injuries that can cause pain in your lower back. Read More 

Balance Training To Improve Your Performance On The Ice

An estimated 519,417 amateur hockey players suited up for the 2013–2014 season. If you enjoy playing hockey competitively, you likely are looking for ways to improve your performance on the ice. Investing in physical therapy can be an excellent way to improve your balance and coordination. Since balance plays an essential role in maintaining proper posture on your skates, focusing on improving this skill through physical therapy can make you a better hockey player. Read More